Passes address inputs in character vector form to the geocode_combine function for geocoding.

Note that address inputs must be specified for queries either with the queries parameter (for each query) or the global_params parameter (for all queries). For example global_params = list(address = 'address') passes addresses provided in the address parameter to all queries.

  global_params = list(),
  address = NULL,
  street = NULL,
  city = NULL,
  county = NULL,
  state = NULL,
  postalcode = NULL,
  country = NULL,
  lat = lat,
  long = long,



a list of queries, each provided as a list of parameters. The queries are, executed by the geocode function in the order provided., (ex. list(list(method = 'osm'), list(method = 'census'), ...))


a list of parameters to be used for all queries, (ex. list(address = 'address', full_results = TRUE))


single line address (ie. '1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC'). Do not combine with the address component arguments below (street, city, county, state, postalcode, country).


street address (ie. '1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW')


city (ie. 'Tokyo')


county (ie. 'Jefferson')


state (ie. 'Kentucky')


postalcode (ie. zip code if in the United States)


country (ie. 'Japan')


latitude column name. Can be quoted or unquoted (ie. lat or "lat").


longitude column name. Can be quoted or unquoted (ie. long or "long").


arguments passed to the geocode_combine function


tibble (dataframe)


# \donttest{

options(tidygeocoder.progress_bar = FALSE)
example_addresses <- c("100 Main St New York, NY", "Paris", "Not a Real Address")

  queries = list(
    list(method = "census"),
    list(method = "osm")
  address = example_addresses,
  global_params = list(address = "address")
#> Passing 3 addresses to the US Census batch geocoder
#> Query completed in: 0.2 seconds
#> Passing 2 addresses to the Nominatim single address geocoder
#> Query completed in: 2 seconds
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>   address                    lat   long query   
#>   <chr>                    <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>   
#> 1 100 Main St New York, NY  40.7 -74.0  "census"
#> 2 Paris                     48.9   2.32 "osm"   
#> 3 Not a Real Address        NA    NA    ""      

  queries = list(
    list(method = "arcgis"),
    list(method = "census", mode = "single"),
    list(method = "census", mode = "batch")
  global_params = list(address = "address"),
  address = example_addresses,
  cascade = FALSE,
  return_list = TRUE
#> Passing 3 addresses to the ArcGIS single address geocoder
#> Query completed in: 0.4 seconds
#> Passing 3 addresses to the US Census single address geocoder
#> Query completed in: 10.7 seconds
#> Passing 3 addresses to the US Census batch geocoder
#> Query completed in: 0.2 seconds
#> $arcgis
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#>   address                    lat   long
#>   <chr>                    <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 100 Main St New York, NY  40.5 -74.3 
#> 2 Paris                     48.9   2.34
#> 3 Not a Real Address        NA    NA   
#> $census1
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#>   address                    lat  long
#>   <chr>                    <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 100 Main St New York, NY  40.7 -74.0
#> 2 Paris                     NA    NA  
#> 3 Not a Real Address        NA    NA  
#> $census2
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#>   address                    lat  long
#>   <chr>                    <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 100 Main St New York, NY  40.7 -74.0
#> 2 Paris                     NA    NA  
#> 3 Not a Real Address        NA    NA  

  queries = list(
    list(method = "arcgis", address = "city"),
    list(method = "osm", city = "city", country = "country")
  city = c("Tokyo", "New York"),
  country = c("Japan", "United States"),
  cascade = FALSE
#> Passing 2 addresses to the ArcGIS single address geocoder
#> Query completed in: 0.7 seconds
#> Passing 2 addresses to the Nominatim single address geocoder
#> Query completed in: 2 seconds
#> # A tibble: 4 × 5
#>   city     country         lat  long query 
#>   <chr>    <chr>         <dbl> <dbl> <chr> 
#> 1 Tokyo    Japan          35.7 140.  arcgis
#> 2 Tokyo    Japan          35.7 140.  osm   
#> 3 New York United States  40.7 -74.0 arcgis
#> 4 New York United States  40.7 -74.0 osm   
# }